In relation to item 8 (appointment of Members to serve on outside bodies), nominations for alternative representatives may be submitted by Members at the meeting or in advance.

CL 2019-05-15 Agenda (AGM)

CL 2019-05-15 Minutes AGM

Subject to, in relation to Minute CL19/009 (Review of the Chairmanship, Membership and Terms of Reference for Committees (including Ex Officio Members of Council Committees)), the incorrect spelling of Councillor Cathcart’s name in relation to the membership of the Policy & Finance Committee is amended and, in relation to Minute CL19/009 (Review of the Chairmanship, Membership and Terms of Reference for Committees (including Ex Officio Members of Council Committees)), Councillor LG Johnston’s name is corrected to Councillor PJ Cathcart in relation to membership of the Events & Community Projects Committee, the minutes of the above meeting were confirmed by the Full Council at a meeting held on 26 June 2019.

(note: at the Annual Council Meeting held on 15 May 2019, Councillor AL Bird took the Chair following his election as Chairman not Councillor PJ Cathcart as minuted.)