Councillor Anthony Bird, the youngest ever Chairman of Cwmbran community Council is set to step down from the role at the Annual Meeting of the Council this week. Councillor Bird is the first person to ever hold the position of Council Chair more than once.

Councillor Bird said “ It’s been an absolute privilege to represent the people of Cwmbran as the council’s civic head, during my term office my colleagues and I have fought hard for equality and social justice, hosting our first LGBTQ+ Pride events as well as signing the Zero Racism Wales pledge. I’m also incredibly proud of the council’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, when we introduced the initial policies over a year ago Members flocked to find funding for foodshare projects for those most affected by the pandemic, to funding play provision and the way the council has adapted to the post covid world.”

First elected as Chairman in May 2019, Councillor Bird was formally re-elected in 2020 to finish a second term in the role.

“Going forward I’m looking to continue working for the people of Cwmbran, and spending more time on my constituents in Northville, colleagues and I already have plans in place for several green infrastructure and public safety projects and I’m hoping to work with the business community to develop a post covid recovery plan for our local economy.”

Councillor Bird’s replacement will be voted in to office by the council at the Annual Meeting of Cwmbran Community Council on the 19th May 2021.