Cwmbran Community Council Chairman Re-appointed

Cwmbran Community Council Chairman Re-appointed

At the Annual General Meeting of Cwmbran Community Council held remotely on the 9th of September members re-elected incumbent Chairman, Councillor Anthony Bird to continue in post until the next AGM in May.

Councillor Bird was first elected as Chairman of the Council in May 2019, he is the youngest person to hold the role and now becomes the only person to be elected to the position twice.

On his reappointment Cllr Bird said ” I’m extremely proud of the great things that the Council has achieved during my tenure as Chair and it’s very humbling that my colleagues have put their faith in me to continue to steer the Council through this unprecedented crisis”.

Since their last Annual Meeting the Council has hosted their first Cwmbran Big Event as well as this year’s Virtual Big Event, hosted their first Pride celebration, has celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Cwmbran as a town and as a response to the Covid-19 crisis has helped projects helping those most at risk, as well as helping to fund play provision for children across Cwmbran.