Please see below publication from Torfaen Active Travel.

As part of the Council’s work around Active Travel, we want to make it easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists to cross Cwmbran Drive near four of the busiest roundabouts, and we need your views for potential new road crossings.

The purpose of this first round of public consultation is to seek your views on the long list of options to understand the types of improvement you would like to be made at these roundabouts. Views will be considered in taking forward options for further appraisal in a later stage.

Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for the Environment (Torfaen County Borough Council) , said: “Active travel is a key priority for Torfaen Council, which is why we are keen for as many people as possible to get involved in this consultation. It’s not just a consultation for pedestrians and cyclists, it’s important other road users such as drivers and bus users get involved as well.

“Travelling actively is beneficial for people’s health and the environment but we realise this requires some changes to our infrastructure. This is just one of a number of projects Torfaen Council is working on to develop safe walking and cycling routes across the borough.”

Active travel refers to cycling or walking for everyday journeys including getting to and from school, work, shops, health and leisure services.

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The closing date is Wednesday 23 February.