This post features some of the arrangements we have in place to ensure that the Council is properly managed.

Such arrangements reassure the public that the Council keeps its affairs in order and under review.

See also separate page re. Accounts.

Financial Regulations 2022/2023

Download Financial Regulations 2022/2023

Standing Orders Relating to Contracts 2021/2022

Download Contract Standing Orders 2021/22

Investment Strategy 2021/22

Download Investment Strategy 2021/2022

Audit Plan (Subject to confirmation on 9 February 2022.)

Download Audit Plan


The Council’s Inventory is prepared as part of the preparation of end-of-year accounts and Annual Return. Copies may be obtained from the Clerk.


Hard copies of all documents are available from the Clerk to the Council, David Collins tel. 01633 849070 or 01633 849073 or

Note: The Council’s contact details changed in September 2020, please now use the above contact information. Some documents above still retain earlier contact details. These will be updated over time.