This post features some of the arrangements we have in place to ensure that the Council is properly managed.
Such arrangements reassure the public that the Council keeps its affairs in order and under review.
Staff Handbook 2021
NJC Pay Agreement
Agreement has been reached between the National Employers and the NJC Trade Union side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2021. The new pay rates are shown in this post.
Pay Policy
Flexible Working Hours
Appraisal Framework
Pensions Policy
The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations require employers are publish policies on discretions and keep these under review. The Fund suggests that employers should review their discretions policies at least every three years. The Council’s policies were approved in 2018 and remain fit for your purposes. The Council also considered pension matters in 2019.
See the Policies in this post.
On 10 February 2021 the Council resolved that the Council’s existing pension policies are confirmed.
Organisational Structure
Hard copies of all documents are available from the Clerk to the Council, David Collins tel. 01633 849070 or 01633 849073 or
Note: The Council’s contact details changed in September 2020, please now use the above contact information. Some documents above still retain earlier contact details. These will be updated over time.